Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Twinklers.. encouragement!

By now, those of you have started first year twinklers are well into the swing of weekly private and group classes.  How is it going?  Has your little twinkler passed you up yet?  Are you burned out?  Have you memorized the different variations yet?  You'll be happy to know that all of that twinkling WILL be used later on in later songs.  This isn't just some big useless exercise.  All of those rhythms are VERY important foundations for later learning.  

Regardless of what your teacher calls them: variation a. b. c. d. or things like "Mississippi stop stop"  or short, short, short short--long long... they all are the same world wide.  All of the other parents are doing just what you are doing.  Trying to get that little one to hold the bow correctly, trying to get the position of the instrument correct, attempting to get the length of notes consistent ,and  most importantly, trying to do it with a patient smile. 

Remember, they only stay young for such a short time, and don't they look cute?  (pictured above is a little friend of ours from Texas)  

If you would like your little one to be "famous" on the blog, email me a picture with whatever you would like to say about your child.  I'd love to hear from you!